June 7, 2011

Brand Fan

Today's NaBloPoMo prompt is Are you the fan of a certain brand? 

I use several brands from which I will never ever stray:
For making my own (decaf) skinny vanilla lattes at home.

I attribute my lack of crow's feet to this eye makeup remover. 
To hermetically seal my ears so I can sleep at night.

The only brand with a wide enough toe box for my Flintstone feet.

The only sunscreen that doesn't break me out.  It also recently made the list of the top sunscreens by EWG

Cheap and in bulk.  'Nuff said.

See's scotchmallow, the only scotchmallow that will ever cross my lips.

A note about all of the warm and positive comments left on yesterday's post:   I read and reread them throughout the day today.  They are the only reason I made it through this particularly difficult CD1.    A simple thank you is insufficient but I am writing it just the same.  


  1. See's candies... my choice of Prozac. Sadly, my PCOS diet forbids too many sweets. I hope you're feeling better.

  2. wait. what is a scotchmallow? It looks good, but I can't tell what's in there...

  3. Hello,
    I just came to your blog, so glad to have "met" you. I hope the heart-hurt of earlier this month has eased a bit. I am so sorry to hear of your struggles and miscarriages. I understand the "train in the face" of AMA, and damn it sucks. Your journey is harder than for many of us, because you're "going it alone," and I'll be honest: it makes me hope even more that you will be successful. I'll keep reading... please keep posting... and, take care of yourself.

  4. Just wondering how its going? Is no news good news or is no news no news?

