April 17, 2011

Simple Sunday

Early morning three mile walk with two friends 
around a spring-tacular lake.

Shopping at Trader Joe's for a week's worth of healthy food.

Making progress on a sewing project I started in January.

Calling my dad and hearing the happiness in his voice.  
Bonus:  my stepmom getting on the phone and hearing the happiness in her voice too.

Visitation from my foster kitty who visits me once a day.

Folding and putting away my last load of laundry.

Fresh steamed artichoke for dinner. 


  1. I love Trader Joes!!

  2. Dinner looks Yummy, and I can't wait for the trader Joe's they're finally putting in here to open!

  3. I buy at trader joe's ! And artichoke is so much fun to eat!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend to me! That lake is gorgeous...

